Contact Sheet Downland Gloaming – Click on images to enlarge

The gloaming for me is that time, that liminal space, when we leave the clarity of the day and enter the light of the imagination. These photographs are equivalents, moments experienced, psychogeographical encounters, subtle recordings in a fading light and they therefore require time for the eye to adjust to slowly reveal the visual traces, lines, and patterns of the landscape of ancient and modern times.

Contact Sheet Downland Impressions – Click on images to enlarge

The work is deliberately impressionistic with some areas of sharp clarity. Printed on a fine art paper surface. It uses a visual language technique to convey the subtle sense of a landscape in flux. It shows the paradox of exploitation and the evolving beauty of slow-time intervention in the Downland. It’s a landscape that has been marked for centuries by people for resource, reshaped by the forest clearance of Neolithic settlers to its present form by the agro-industry that has worked the thin top soil, which veneers the chalk, to near exhaustion. 
